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For the best in grout restoration, look no further than this Rejuvenator concentrated grout restorer and stain remover! Breathe life back into your floors, shower walls, and other tiled surfaces by removing hard water scale, soap scum, grout haze, and even rust. Boasting a powerful, non-fuming acidic formula, this restorer is highly effective on ceramic tile, masonry, and grout. Get restrooms and locker rooms looking like new with Rejuvenator!
Powerful, non-fuming formula
Removes scale, soap scum, grout haze, and rust
If you've used this product, leave a review to tell us and other customers what you thought about it.
Andrea C.
This Rejuvenator Grout Restorer & Stain Remover is a very good solution for destroy all the dirty from almost all the hard surface. You have to read well all the inctruction for don't use in the wrong purpouse. If you can use in the good way, it makes a very perfet job "clean and restore"
Michael J.
I've been highly satisfied with how well this product has worked. As far as I know, the grout at my store had never been cleaned but this product has made it like new again. Definitely worth the money.